Jenga | Shelter

A film-poem about the impact of homelessness and housing insecurity on mental health, written collaboratively by nine participants with experience of homelessness.

The poem follows a Renga form, where each line responds to the one which has gone before. Writer, Will Harris, developed the framework within which the group were free to write, where no one line or word can exist without the other participants. 'Jenga' was created as part of the charity Shelter’s Fight for Home Campaign.

'Jenga' written by Melody Blasich, Leah Chan, Jane English, Tracey Ford, Martin Hegarty, Francis Kamara, Hjalmar Potts, Edward Russell, Amy Unwin.
Poem edited by: Will Harris
Workshop design and facilitation: Will Harris and Millie Harvey

Director, producer, editor : Millie Harvey
Assistant director : Ben Mann
DOP : Ben Mann, Eduardo Vidal
Sound : Jonny Horne
Sound design : Aumeta